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Aug 11, 20204 min read
6 Horrible effects of Periodontal disease
it’s not just bad breath – it’s the onset of a debilitating and nasty disease, and the longer it is left untreated the worse it is
Aug 3, 20203 min read
Keeping an eye on Entropion
Whatsisname's rugged good looks are actually a sign that something is wrong, because whatsisname has a condition called “entropion”
Aug 16, 20192 min read
Why we offer complimentary services
Let’s face it, we’re a business, and to stay open we need to make money - so why would we want to do things for free?
May 15, 20192 min read
Is your dog overweight?
Next time you are patting your pup, run your hands along their ribcage and spine – can you feel the rib bones and vertebrae, do they have...
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